35ST.28 28SP


28. Project to make rubbings of bas-reliefs on Angkor historic site:

The group of ad hoc experts for conservation wishes to recall that China has a long tradition of rubbing and therefore the group has no objection to the project proposed by the Chinese entity “Hengyu Culture Media” to reproduce the bas-reliefs on monuments of Angkor using this technique based on intervention protocols adapted to each type of support. It makes the following recommendations:
a) the selecting of surfaces to be rubbed, the preliminary testing and final operations must be made with qualified and knowledgeable restorers of sculptures and painted decoration, archaeologists and curators of the APSARA National Authority;
b) it is essential to ensure that the decorations selected are sound, free of salts or other damage so that the rubbing does not have any negative impact on the original work;
c) a test must be carried out before any final operation to ensure that no migration of the rubbing products takes place through the transfer paper so as not to color or stain the original work (carved stone or one bearing an inscription);
d) care must be taken not to risk leaving the rubbing materials in place for too long, and not to work on a wet or softened support.