31TS.9 25PS
9. Phnom Kulen National Park:
The ad hoc group of experts:
a) Appreciates the presence and active support of the Ministry of Environment in realizing the Stone and Tree inventories in the park, but request more information about its contents and future use ;
b) Appreciates the preventive archaeological survey carried out by the APSARA National Authority in nine locations before construction the bypass road at Banteay Royal Palace and recommends that an archaeological study be undertaken as soon as possible on the selected tumulus in the village of Anlong Thom;
c) Appreciates that the width of the road is in keeping with that recommended by the ICC-Angkor last year;
d) Encourages the Provincial Department of Environment to check with the relevant institutions that the Phnom Kulen National Park be entirely demined as it becomes more accessible thanks to the road;
Reiterates the recommendation related in June 2018:
“Because of the geological features of the eastern slope of the Kulen Mountain chain composed of strongly weathered siliceous sandstone with fresh massive sandstone blocks, detecting possibilities of landslides and falling rocks along the eastern slope route”