9. Ta Keo
- With regards to the structures,
- Given the scale of Ta Keo and the extent of the damages and collapses, it appears necessary to prepare a general map of the risks, from which priorities can be defined based on safety requirements and financial aspects. The risk assessment and safety evaluation must also take into consideration the often-precarious stability of individual blocks;
- The first scheduled program of works will be on the Eastern Gate. The project should include the dismantling and reassembling of one section, and the strengthening of another section in its current condition. Were necessary, jacks could partially address present deformations. There is also the issue of re-mounting the pediment on the very top of the wall. As the wall is thin, the possibility of using pins to connect it to an adjacent wall should be considered. The pediment could then be anchored using vertical bars.
- Regarding the materials and given the rapid evolution of the damages to the stones, it is recommended to:
- Consider the impact of temperature variations on the decorative surfaces of the temple, particularly in the eastern section;
- Install without delay a temporary structure as a protection against the weather, to reduce the impact of temperature variation on the already severely damaged stones;
- Foster collaboration between teams that have already gained recognized experience in Angkor in the treatment of stone pathologies;
- The stone blocs positioned below the carved cornice should be moved closer to the areas where the reassembling and reinforcement work will take place, in particular in the corners where some of these blocs will be returned to their original location;
- Lastly, as a rule, whether at Ta Keo or other monuments in the Angkor area, it is recommended to involve the young team of Cambodian experts in stone conservation in all reinforcement and stone treatment operations.
- Cooperation between experts in structures and experts in stone conservation is strongly recommended in order to benefit from the experience gained. This should also be an opportunity of providing young Cambodian experts with on-site training.