Specific recommendations
1. Ring road in Angkor Park
a. The ICC welcomes the contribution of KOICA (Korean International Cooperation Agency) to the improvement of the road network for the development of a periphery road;
b. In light of the commitments made by this South Korean Agency, during the presentation of the project at the 21st session of the Technical Committee (6 and 7 June 2012), namely:
i. To protect the area of cultural heritage, by diverting the flow of heavy vehicles;
ii. To improve road safety;
iii. To ensure the bypass road is an ecological road;
iv. To prohibit the circulation of overloaded trucks.
c. And by reference to the obligations of the APSARA National Authority, managing agency of the site inscribed on the World Heritage List (Article 172 of the Guidelines), the ICC strongly wishes that the ring road serves only the needs of the population and the circulation of tourists. Consequently, the passage of trucks should be prohibited. However, taking into consideration the technical and social difficulties raised by this proposal, the National Authority and the ICC Secretariat will present at the next ICC session a joint proposal for its implementation.