29TS.4 24PS


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4. Angkor Wat causeway dike:

In the light of the new findings and proposals put forward, the ad hoc group of experts:

a) Strongly reemphasizes the principle, previously validated by the ICC-Angkor, of consolidating in situ the northern façade wall, NOT DISMANTLING it,

b) Recommends that each implementation phase, section by section, include the following:
i. Propping up the façade wall externally,
ii. Digging into the internal fill,
iii. Inserting the reinforced concrete linear support in the lower inner section on the back of the façade wall,
iv. Redo the damaged laterite foundation layers in the lower outer section of the façade wall.

c) For the next ICC-Angkor technical session, requests that a sample span of about 4 meters in length, reflecting the work done under points “i” et “ii” above, opposite that span, an outside test pit at the foot the façade, in order to better understand the state of degradation of the outer laterite soles.

d) Meanwhile, invites Sophia University’s consulting engineers to fine-tune the principles of putting in the inner linear support of reinforced concrete (pouring in situ or prefabricating one component at a time, any expansion joints, framework designs, etc.).

e) Asks for the production, as soon as possible, of a completion time line for this worksite which is taking up a considerable amount of space right at the main access to Angkor Wat.