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Number 1

The teams working at Angkor, classified as a World Heritage Site, are reminded of the vital importance of making the most meaningful contribution possible to framing a proper MANAGEMENT PLAN necessary for sustainable development.

The primary purpose of such a contribution is to assist the APSARA National Authority in its capacity as project owner to have before it practical directions and operational information to ensure the routine management and long-term maintenance of the site.

The ICC therefore urges each team to provide the APSARA National Authority with documents as follows:

  1. Periodically forward a copy of activity reports along with a list of problems relating to the risks intrinsic to the site;
  2. At the conclusion of operations when responsibility is handed over, provide a special report outlining the key elements of an operational protocol for site and monument management. It is important that the said report include the following six points:
  3. A summary statement on the heritage value of the particular monument in the overall context of the World Heritage Site;
  4. A rundown of the specific tangible and intangible features of the monument that embody the said value;
  5. A description of factors that are affecting or that could affect the heritage value of the monument, as well as an analysis of possible interactions among these factors;
  6. The priority objectives for the conservation and showcasing of the monument, with reference to the aforementioned factors;
  7. A detailed description of what action is needed for the up-keep of the monument and achievement of the aforementioned objectives, spelling out the norms and periodicity of required interventions;
  8. A protocol for monitoring the monument, based on the criteria of user-friendliness and focusing on key indicators directly linked to the dynamics that is put into play by the factors listed under point 3 above.