ABOUT US Adhoc Experts
Ad-hoc expert group for conservation
holds Ph.D. in Archaeology and Ancient History. He was elected Director-General of ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) in November 2005 and until 2011. He has a long career record with UNESCO (from 1982 to 2005), where he served as Director of the Division of Cultural Heritage, Director of the World Heritage Centre and Assistant Director- General for Culture. From 1974 to 1982, he also served as Director of Fine Arts, Monuments and Sites under the Algerian Ministry of Information and Culture. Since 2005, he has been a member of the ICC-Angkor ad hoc expert group for conservation.
is a Professor of Structural Engineering at La Sapienza University in Rome, where he graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1960. He has been a member of the UNESCO ad hoc expert group since 1994. As a coordinator of an international group of experts, he prepared a document entitled Recommendations for the Conservation and Preservation of Angkor Monuments, which became the Charter for Angkor. From 1995 to 2005 he was Chairman of the International Scientific Committee for Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage at ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites). Presently, he serves as its Honorary Chairman. He is also a UNESCO international expert for sites, such as the Pyramid Plateau, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Aksum, etc. In March 2000, he was awarded by the Académie d’Architecture (Paris) with the silver grand medal as the individual who has the most contributed globally to the safeguarding of world’s heritage. In 2008, he was awarded by the Italian President Giorogio Napolitano the national gold medal for Cultural and Historic merits.
is a Government Architect. He received his degree at the Centre d’études supérieures d’histoire et de conservation des monuments anciens. He is Chief Architect and Inspector General of Historical Monuments. Over the years, Pierre-André Lablaude has developed a rare heritage specialization focusing in the conservation and restoration of historic gardens and landscapes. As a member of the National Commission for Historic Monuments, he has authored a number of publications, while holding specialized heritage teaching posts in France and abroad. Since 1995, he has also participated in numerous expert missions for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UNESCO and is regularly involved in this capacity at the international level on various World Heritage monuments and sites.
is a Professor of Architectural History in the Ph.D. programme of World Cultural Studies, at the University of Tsukuba (Japan), where he also serves as the Director. He holds a Ph.D. in Architecture from the Universityof Tokyo. Since 1990, he has been directing the Surveying Project of Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, the partial results of which were published and received the Architectural Historians of Japan Annual Prize. He is active in ICOMOS-Japan as a votingmember for Japan on the International Scientific Committee for the Analysis and Restoration of Structures of Architectural Heritage (ISCARSAH). In 2009, succeeding Professor Hiroyuki Suzuki, he became a UNESCO ad hoc expert group member for the ICC-Angkor.
completed a training in both Law and Management, culminating in a PhD and aggregation. He is an academic career while simultaneously exercising advisory functions in tourism development. In this context he published extensively on the relationship between heritage and tourism, while participating, at the request of the territories, in the creation of development patterns, management plans and various studies on the tourism economy and sustainable territorial management. He is a member of many scientific advisory organisms working for the protection of natural areas and cultural development. He has served as an ad hoc sustainable development expert for the ICC-Angkor since 2007.
is an Emeritus senior scientist at the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and Professor at the Advanced School for the Social Sciences (EHESS), he originally trained as an ecologist, but his work has since broadened as he has questioned the role of human activities in this setting, seeking to understand the contribution of the social sciences to issues in the life sciences. This wide-ranging experience led him to become Director of the Agrarian Systems and Development Department at INRA from 1994 to 2003 and the Scientific Director at INRA for Social Sciences and Applied Mathematics and Informatics from 2003 to 2007. From mid-2007 to mid-2010 he was in charge of a joint venture between INRA and CIRAD, the French Initiative for International Agricultural Research (FI4IAR). Since April 2009, he has served as the President of Agropolis International in Montpellier, France. He has participated in the ICC-Angkor as a sustainable development expert since 2010, representing France. |
is a Professor of Geoscience at the Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University, Japan. He has worked for the geological development of Japanese Islands as a marine and sedimentary geologist. He has also worked in Cambodia since 1992 leading scientific researches on both the geoenvironmental development and biodiversity sustainability of the Tonle Sap Lake and the environmental pollution and deterioration of the Angkor Archaeological Park. His goal is to realize sustainable and harmonized environment between cultural heritage, natural environment and local society. Shinji Tsukawaki holds a Doctor of Science Degree in Geology and Palaeontology from Tohoku University, Japan. In 2012, he became a UNESCO ad hoc expert for the ICC-Angkor.
Former members of adhoc Experts:
Prof. François HOULLIER |