

a) The Committee is proud of the outstanding work carried out from March until June 2007, under the supervision of Dr. HANG Peou, Head of the Department of Water and Forestry (APSARA National Authority) and with the technical support of Mr. Michel VERROT, architect-adviser (FSP, Embassy of France).
b) The Committee is pleased to note the cooperation and the complementarity between the various stakeholders for the implementation of the program:
– the Ministry of Water resources and Meteorology,
– the APSARA National Authority,
– the Indian partners:
i. WAPCOS Group
ii. ANGELIQUE Public Works Company
c) The Committee recommends that the Commission set up following Samdech the Prime Minister’s decision, should continue to meet, as often as needed, under the presidency of H.E. Mr. CHUCH Phoeun, Secretary of State in charge of Cultural Affairs.
d) The Committee particularly recommends that the upcoming program, currently underway, continues in its direction, namely balancing between:
* On the one hand, the necessary rehabilitation of the WESTERN BARAY keeping its historic authenticity with its profile integrated into the landscape, and in concordance with the outstanding heritage values pertaining hereto ;
* On the other hand, the need to showcase the economic and ecological potential of this huge water reservoir.