

ANGKOR WAT (World Monuments Fund):

Concerning the replicas of crest carvings capping the roofing of the Churning of the Sea of Milk gallery, stone cutting and carving must be executed by hand, followed by high pressure sand blasting applied to the stones, in order to alter them slightly. Then, partial artificial patina should be applied. It is better to complete the carving of the sculptures first and then to artificially erode them. A natural patina will come with time.

The restitution of these crest decors seems of importance, as visitors will be able to understand the original layout of the monument, even if it is abso-lutely unnecessary to extend this restitution to all galleries. Regarding the limited area to be recreated, new and ancient items should be alternat-ed, but not systematically.

Concerning the ceiling of the Churning of the Sea of Milk Gallery, the ad hoc group of experts agrees with the project presented by WMF, but recommends all woodcutting and carving to be done entirely by hand.