

Parc national du mont Kulen:

a. Recalls that Mount Kulen is a national park the integrity of which is threatened by deforestation;

b. Congratulates the Ministry of Environment for the first measures taken in order to ensure better preservation of the national park, including the preservation of cultural and religious sites and values, biological diversity, sustained livelihood of the local community and the development of cultural and eco tourism potential;

c. Congratulates the APSARA National Authority for the actions it has taken in favor of the protected area;

d. Welcomes the direct involvement now given to the park’s protection by the provincial authorities;

e. Recommends that the APSARA National Authority strengthen the human and material resources needed to increase protection of these zones;

f. Recommends that the protected zones be extended in order to include the newly discovered archaeological remains;

g. Congratulates the ADF for the efforts undertaken to raise awareness amongst the local communities and fight deforestation by encouraging the growing of food crops;