29TS.10 24PS


10. Tonlé Sgnuot temple:

The ad hoc group of experts notes the wish of the Cambodian and Singaporean research team to use this site to train junior archaeologists from Cambodia and the region and as a setting in which to raise awareness with regard to the components of the Khmer period hospital and its different attributes. The team could also tap into the experience of archaeologist Christophe Pottier who also excavated a similar edifice.

Recommends that the archaeological study of the perimeter of this monument be continued, taking care to only intervene near the structure with serious deformations and risks of collapse after having set up a scaffolding and dismantling all parts threatening to collapse.

Also suggests that advantage be taken of the presence in Siem Reap of architect Yves Ubelmann, chairman of the France-based ICONEM start-up that specializes in drone surveys. He could be invited to do a 3D survey of Tonlé Sgnuot temple and its perimeter area. In addition to the expertise the APSARA National Authority already has available, the surveys could in a very short time contribute to the documentation of the site basis that could be used to facilitate reconstruction and restoration work.

In conclusion, recommends that a comprehensive project for the said archaeological research, as well as for the reconstruction/restoration of the Tonlé Sgnuot temple be submitted to the APSARA National Authority for assessment and endorsement.