9. Ta Prohm
- Eastern gate: Given the gate’s current state of deformation and ruin, plans now call for the complete dismantling of its structure and reassembling it using 70% original stones still up, 20% old stones currently scattered around the monument and an estimated 5% to 10% new stones to achieve the original volume, the reference being the western Gate located oppositely, recommends that ASI produce detailed construction drawings upstream from the gradual reassembly work of the different foundations, performing the reassembly operation step by step with, of course, successive intermediary validation phases prior to construction. The validity of using the temple’s western Entrance as a reference model also requires careful verification and confirmation.
- Southern gate: The project calling for consolidation considering this greatly deformed structure, but not dismantling it. Recommends that an immediate study of the structure’s stability—or lack of stability—be assessed by putting a monitoring device on it in the very near future;
- Hall of dancers: Confirms on the basis of a survey, documentation and scientific analysis of the elements uncovered, that the large archeological trench that has been opened in the last few months to the south of the Hall of dancers, needs to be filled back in;Supports the project to set back up in that hall the two Buddha statues found earlier by ASI in the ground of the outer courtyard and which were put up (probably after the hall was built) as well as the dimensions of the statue pedestals clearly identifiable in the middle of the hall;The molding profiles of those new pedestals may be defined with reference to other pedestals still kept elsewhere in the temple. The corresponding project is to be submitted to the advisement of the ad hoc expert group, then to the ICC for approval before being carried out;
- Tree cover: warmly commends the APSARA National Authority for the recent walkway extensions and plank flooring for the protection of tree roots and the soil around the large trees. Quality work was done and recommends that guardrails be put along them forthwith, which will be a definite deterrent for visitors to step off the protected walkways;
- Given the risk of instability observable in a number of the large trees, the group reminds the APSARA National Authority of its previous recommendation regarding the need to temporary close the temple should violent weather events be forecast (thunderstorms, gale winds).