35TS.19 28PS
19. The Angkor Thom Terrace of the Elephants: restoration of walls and enhancement by detouring the road along this terrace
a) Regarding the walls of the terrace:
While expressing appreciation to the KOICA/KCHF team for the work done and the cleanliness of the site and its facilities, the group of experts recommends the following:
– carry out a vertical survey in line with a non-dumped part of the wall to understand its structure in its original state;
– it is now important that the pathology observed both on the floors, walls and sculptures be identified over the entire Terrace so that an overall restoration project can be put forward and planned, considering the various health emergencies and the need to allow visiting to continue on part of this structure during the upcoming project implementation. A presentation of this project, before any work is started, is recommended at a future session of the ICC;
– in the meantime, it seems desirable to cover all areas of horizontal water infiltration so as not to aggravate the damage observed.
b) Regarding the detour road:
While expressing its appreciation to the APSARA National Authority for the quality of its work, both regarding the detour road, the prohibition of parking, the creation of laterite and grass pathways and the discreet planting work, the ad hoc group of experts recommends that the entire complex be restored with the dimension and serenity that it had lost by continuing restoration of the walls and the carved decor and giving back its original integrity.